
How well you communicate is a cornerstone for most of the skills you'll be developing at Trade Me. Your ability to communicate and make yourself understood underpins your ability to perform well in your role, and provides a clear indicator of how well you understand the work you undertake.

Your ability to effectively communicate, and how wide your reach is, should grow inline with your understanding of the work you do and how it applies to each area - the more you know about your work, the better you can converse authoritatively about it.

1 - Communicates Well Within Squad

You'll have developed good lines of communication within your immediate squad, but defer most other external enquiries to your squadmates. Where you do look to communicate outside of your squad you'll likely seek approval from more senior squadmates first, or pull them into conversations in order to manage your contributions.

You may need to focus on building relationships outside of your squad and involving yourself more within the workings of your wider team. As your experience and confidence grows you'll find yourself being more able communicate authoritatively for squad.

2 - Communicates Well Within a Team

You'll have developed good lines of communication within your wider team and are able to converse with them with some authority on your squad's work. You may still be shielded, or look to be shielded, from wider development discipline conversations by more senior / established teammates.

As your understanding of your team's context and priorities grow, you should find yourself developing more of a presence outside of your team and into the wider development discipline.

3 - Communicates Well Within Dev Group

You'll have developed good lines of communication within your discipline nd are able to converse with some authority on your squad's work and technical direction. You'll still have limited interactions with the wider business beyond the development side, but may find yourself pulled into such conversations from time to time.

WIth greater authority and competency in other areas you should look to begin communicating development needs and concerns to the wider business.

4 - Communicates Well Within Trade Me

You'll be able to discuss development topics, with good authority, across all of Trade Me, to technical and non-technical stakeholders alike.

You may want to focus on establishing greater ties within the local community, and establishing relevant contacts for technical interests that benefit your work.

5 - Communicates Well Within Local Community

You have developed relevant contacts within the local technical community and can converse well on topics and trends pertinent to Trade Me and your discipline.

You may want to look at establishing a presence within the wider tech industry becoming an ambassador for Trade Me and the local tech scene.

6 - Communicates Well Within the Industry

You have developed ties within the tech industry and can seek out, and are sought by, other technical stakeholders.