
Supervision relates to how much time and effort from others is required to ensure you perform tasks to the levels required by Trade Me. It is a measure of how able / trusted you are to carry out tasks without needing guidance or support.

At lower levels you'll need frequent check ups with thorough reviews of all output. There's a good chance you'll need input from others prior to starting tasks, along with regular checkpoints to ensure you stay on target and don't run into problems.

As you advance you'll build up a proven track record of delivering good quality solutions, which in turn will mean you require less corrective influence from teammates and can be trusted more and more to deliver on your own terms. This won't mean that you'll be left to your own devices, but at higher levels you'll be trusted to decide when it's necessary to seek out advice and guidance versus working under your own steam

1 - Close Supervision

You generally require close supervision and are not expected to take on too much work without guidance from someone more senior

2 - Frequent Supervision

You work with less close supervision, but will still need frequent touch points to ensure you stay on track

3 - General Supervision

You work under general supervision being monitored mostly by the outputs of your work, and deciding for yourself when work needs escalation to higher levels

4 - Infrequent Supervision

You work under infrequent supervision being trusted to seek out direction from others when necessary

5 - Loose Supervision

You work mostly unsupervised under the highest trust to seek direction and communicate results