
At all levels you'll be expected to work in, and as part of, a team. Your effectiveness within the team should progress as you gain more experience and become used to the team dynamic.

You'll start out working within a team, though at the lowest level you'll not be assessed on your team working skills as you'll still be being closely supervised.

Once you grow a bit further you'll be making regular contributions within a your team, and then progress on to collaborating on work between teams.

At later stages you'll be required to work across groups that may have opposing goals, and help ensure a satisfactory compromise is met between any conflicting workstreams.

1 - Participates Within a Team

You perform some work within a team but are not yet fully integrated

2 - Works Within a Team

You work competently within a team

3 - Contributes Within a Team

You contribute fully to the work of your team

4 - Collaborates Between Teams

You can collaborate between teams sharing a common goal

5 - Mediates Between Teams

You can collaborate between teams with diverse or opposing goals