
Responsibilities are plotted along the horizontal axis to illustrate at which levels they are measured, and where the major progression points are. Level one represents the lowest level, and level seven the highest.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Behavioural Teamwork Participates Works Contributes Collaborates Mediates Learning & Development Limited Individual Squad Team Dev Group Trade Me Handling Failure Owns Learns Actions Teaches Manages Supervision Close Frequent General Infrequent Loose Communication Squad Team Dev Group Trade Me Community Industry Area of Influence Squad Team Dev Group Trade Me Community Industry Levels

No single Developer will ever be 100% at a given level across all responsibilities and the expectation is that they’ll vary between two levels for most measurements. We wouldn’t expect to see many instances where there was more than a three level difference between the min and max measurements, and for a single Developer we’d not expect too many measurements with a three level gap. Since there will be this variance in measurements we generally refer to a Developer as being broadly level x - where that Developer exhibits most of the responsibilities for that level.

It’s worth noting that while the level progression is presented as a linear scale this is not a reflection of the effort / time required to progress. Different responsibilities will be harder / easier than others, and this will vary from level to level also.

Finally levels are not ranks, they do not dictate pay grades, pecking orders, or prospects; we use them as an indicator for training and growth.