
We use sections to provide high level groupings of related responsibilities.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Behavioural Teamwork Participates Works Contributes Collaborates Mediates Learning & Development Limited Individual Squad Team Dev Group Trade Me Handling Failure Owns Learns Actions Teaches Manages Supervision Close Frequent General Infrequent Loose Communication Squad Team Dev Group Trade Me Community Industry Area of Influence Squad Team Dev Group Trade Me Community Industry Section

Initially sections were just a means to organise and split up the model, however after ordering our responsibilities by mean level a curious trend emerged. When ordered we noticed that our responsibilities mostly automatically organised themselves into clear categories, with the behavioural focused responsibilities coming first, more delivery focused / technical ones second, and finally what we’ll call managerial responsibilities being last.

This breakdown re-enforces something that we’ve already implicitly valued at Trade Me, but perhaps never explicitly stated (at least within development), and that is: good collaborative team behaviours form the foundation for our roles. Technical ability is only good where there are the core skills to compliment it.

This isn’t to say technical or managerial qualities are not important - they very much are. But they are things that are built on top of other key disciplines.