Level 3

As a Level 3 developer you are more intermediate than junior and should be contributing well within your team.

Contributes Within a Team

You contribute fully to the work of your team

Contributes to Squad Learning

You share appropriate learnings with your immediate squad and provocatively seek to identify and address knowledge gaps

Learns from Mistakes

You learn from your own mistakes and are not prone to repeating them

General Supervision

You work under general supervision being monitored mostly by the outputs of your work, and deciding for yourself when work needs escalation to higher levels

Communicates Well Within Dev Group

You'll have developed good lines of communication within your discipline nd are able to converse with some authority on your squad's work and technical direction. You'll still have limited interactions with the wider business beyond the development side, but may find yourself pulled into such conversations from time to time.

WIth greater authority and competency in other areas you should look to begin communicating development needs and concerns to the wider business.

Influence Within Business Area

You have influence within your squad / wider business area - contributing frequently to discussions and ideas

Medium Complexity

You work on a range of complex and routine tasks applying a methodical approach to resolving issues

Competent Planning of Assigned Work

You plan and monitor assigned work, along with any supervised tasks, within provided deadlines and constraints

Delivery of Other's Work

You have some responsibility for the delivery of the work of individuals, such as your immediate teammates - making decisions which impact the nature of the work assigned to them

Understands Team's Context

You maintain an active understanding of the goals and purpose of your team and are able to align your own work with these

Interest in New Technologies

You maintain an interest in new developments and technologies