Level 4

At Level 4 you’re established as solid contributor within the development team who’s able to tackle more senior level responsibilities

Collaborates Between Teams

You can collaborate between teams sharing a common goal

Contributes to Team Learning

You share appropriate learnings with your team, participating and contributing in group learning activities

Creates Action Points from Mistakes

You formulate and carry out actions to prevent repeat mistakes ensuring that similar issues do not arise or can be easily mitigated

Infrequent Supervision

You work under infrequent supervision being trusted to seek out direction from others when necessary

Communicates Well Within Trade Me

You'll be able to discuss development topics, with good authority, across all of Trade Me, to technical and non-technical stakeholders alike.

You may want to focus on establishing greater ties within the local community, and establishing relevant contacts for technical interests that benefit your work.

Influence Within Dev Group

You have influence across your discipline - contributing frequently to discussions, ideas, and decisions

Varied Complexity

You work on a broad range of complex tasks investigating and resolving complex issues

Planning of Group Work

You plan, schedule, and monitor your own work, and contribute to the planning of wider team work, within deadlines and constraints

Delivery of Team's Work

You supervise the work of others or projects - making decisions and allocating resources to ensure success

Understands Dev Group's Context

You maintain an active understanding of the goals and purpose of the wider development group and are able to align your own work with these

Awareness of New Technology

You maintain an awareness of developments in the industry and appreciate their applicability to Trade Me

Makes Project Decisions

You make decisions that contribute to the success of a project and team goals