Level 6

At Level 6 you’re trusted to perform technical lead level duties and have influence on strategy, learning, and development initiatives

Contributes to Trade Me Learning

You contribute to learning opportunities outside of the development group and are able to share development related learnings with business areas, and inversely bring business related things back into development

Manages Other's Mistakes

You provide management over the mistakes of others, ensuring that learning opportunities are realised and the proper steps are put in place to prevent repeats. You ensure that strategies are in place to mitigate and manage failure while allowing room for others to make useful mistakes and learn from them

Communicates Well Within the Industry

You have developed ties within the tech industry and can seek out, and are sought by, other technical stakeholders.

Influence Within Tech Community

You have influence throughout Trade Me and within the wider tech community - representing Trade Me tech and maintaining relationships that benefit the organisation

Highest Complexity

You work on highly complex tasks covering all technical, quality, and personnel related aspects

Delivery of Initiatives

You work with others to ensure the delivery of specific initiatives

Understands Community Context

You maintain an active understanding of trends and developments within the local community and understand the relationship between your goals and ongoing changes external to the business

Practical Understanding of New Technologies

You have a strong understanding of industry developments, actively maintaining practical knowledge of key trends and important opportunities for Trade Me

Mitigates Risks

You manage and mitigate risks, using your technical expertise and experience, to lessen the impacts of uncertainty

Makes Strategic Decisions

You make decisions that contribute to the strategy and success of Trade Me

Applies Leadership within Dev Group

You apply a wide range of leadership principles across your discipline

Fosters Technical Potential

You drive technical growth within your discipline to ensure it is meeting its potential

Contributes to Policy / Strategy

You have a broad understanding of Trade Me organisational responsibilities and use this in the implementation of strategy and policy