Level 7

By Level 7 you’re at the very top of the food chain with all the crippling responsibility that comes with it

Influence Within Industry

You're an inspiration to the company and influence developments within the industry

Delivery of Strategic Outcomes

You work across Trade Me to ensure the delivery of strategic goals and outcomes

Understands External Business Context

You maintain an active understanding of developments external to the business that have (or could have) flow on effects to your goals

Forecasts Risks

You forecast risks, using your technical expertise and knowledge of emerging practices / technologies, to ensure Trade Me is fully aware of future opportunities and threats

Makes Organisational Decisions

You make critical decisions that define the success and long term strategy of Trade Me

Applies Leadership Across Trade Me

You apply the highest level of leadership principles and strategic management skills across Trade Me

Fosters Trade Me's Potential

You drive organisational growth and development to ensure Trade Me is meeting its potential

Defines Policy / Strategy

You have a deep understanding of Trade Me organisational responsibilities and emerging technologies, and use this in the formation of strategy and policy