Policy / Strategy

Your understanding of the organisation's policy / strategy informs how you prioritise work and manage tasks. While you'll almost certainly be aware of aspects of the organisation's strategy at lower levels, you will not be expected to be owning decisions related to them.

Once you reach mid levels you'll have developed experience, responsibility, and trust will enable you to begin applying a solid understanding of Trade Me strategy to your work.

As you advance you'll begin contributing to these policies - such as through providing feedback, or proposing new ideas. Eventually you'll be part of the group defining these policies and strategies.

5 - Understands Policy / Strategy

You have an understanding of the relationship between your own work and wider Trade Me organisational responsibilities

6 - Contributes to Policy / Strategy

You have a broad understanding of Trade Me organisational responsibilities and use this in the implementation of strategy and policy

7 - Defines Policy / Strategy

You have a deep understanding of Trade Me organisational responsibilities and emerging technologies, and use this in the formation of strategy and policy